Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In which I have too many projects on the go

First up, the long, grey knit of the past two months is at an end! I cast off the Juno Regina shawl last night, and will wash and block it soon as possible. Juno Regina Juno Regina Juno Regina The pattern was well written, and the yarn was (as always) a dream to work with. I'll be mailing it off to Victoria soon for the auction. Finishing off the shawl has given me license to move onto another unfinished project, the Jewelled Cowl. Jewelled Cowl I'm knitting it up in lovely Sweet Georgia Merino Silk Lace, and by the way, beading isn't hard, but is kind of a pain! Jewelled Cowl And last for now, yarn that I'll be using for a future project, but it's a secret for now! A mystery project, for now


  1. What is the yarn on the left? It looks so interesting!

  2. The Long Grey Knit sounds like it could be a documentary!


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