Friday, August 17, 2007

Heh, my bad

Right, those photos that I said I had? Definitely forgot to upload them. Here they are now, though. As I said, these were taken with an old 35mm (Pentax K-1000, my mother's from her university days), and are complete with the odd finger in the shot (no matter how much I shoot, I *always* get a finger now and then. I like to think it adds a human touch.)

(oh, and these are all on ravelry as well, for those using it)

Swallowtail 003

Swallowtail 004

Swallowtail 001

Swallowtail 005

Swallowtail 006

Swallowtail 002

Swallowtail 007

Swallowtail 008


  1. You leave me speechless! Job well done, you've come a long way from your humble beginnings haven't you.

  2. Mmm. Shawl.

    And you gave it away, too! Way to go!

  3. such a great shawl! Now I'm excited to get to work on mine.

  4. My dear, you never cease to astound me.

  5. beautiful! i love the choice of colors.
    great pictures too! =)

  6. looks great! how'd you ever get into knitting?

  7. Oh, beautiful! I also made this one i Green a while back!


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