Sunday, May 4, 2008

In which I am far too easily amused

I would just like to say that it is a ridiculous amount of fun watching people try to fold a pre-seamed BSJ into a jacket.
Substance to come in a future post, because I am going to enjoy our first perfect spring day!

Oh, here's another lovely springish tune from another Canadian musician. (song starts about 45 seconds in, if you want to skip the preamble. This has had my toes tapping for a few weeks now.


  1. you'll be watching me try to fold a BSJ soon.... i hope (AP tests are going to kick my arse this week...)

  2. Looks like the beginnings of Kitchen party to Me :)

  3. Hey, what was the vid? It's "no longer available" but if I know the musician and song I'm sure I can find it somewhere.


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