Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In which "Run! Godzilla!"

Well, since I still can't show you any of my knitting (it's going, I swear, albeit slowly), I'll show you a little something else I whipped up.

Baba Yagas Chicken Legged Hut
Baba Yagas Chicken Legged Hut

I drew this for part of a friends birthday gift. Baba Yaga is one of my favourite characters from Eastern European folklore, and her story is just deliciously creative. In short, I'm not dead yet, just not posting.

Take care peoples!


  1. Michael!!! I miss you. (Even though we talk a fair bit). You seriously need to blog more. I will come over to that side of the country to poke you until you blog more.

  2. Oh, so you ARE alive. Nice to know.

  3. it is totally the best gift ever.

  4. Baba Yaga shows up in Miyazaki / Ghibli films, too, Spirited Away being the best example, but there are others. ;)


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