Ok, so hey everyone! This just needs to be a quick round up post to prove that I am still out there.
First, thanks to everyone who has bought
Fulton so far. Also, I just got a small stack of copies printed (finally!) and hard copies will be available at Urban Yarns in Vancouver.

On a related note, I am in the midst of re-writing my old
Man Cowl pattern (seriously, 226 projects on Ravelry? So cool!). I will be making it into pdf form, and making minor changes (it will still be available for free, just nicer looking). So of course I had to re-knit it.

Yarn is Malabrigo Sock (colour is Persia) held doubled on 5.00mm needles, and my scale says it only used 90 out of the 115g in the skein.

Okay, a boring update. I am still working on my Brocade Cardigan - I've got one sleeve done, and it only took one skein of the Araucania. I plan to knit the other sleeve, then do the body. I'm debating between a pullover, a standard cardigan, or a pseudo-wrap cardigan though... Thoughts anyone? (it's boring, but have a photo anyway)

And finally, two of my friends are expecting... well any time now, so of course I decided to knit them a little "surprise". I'm not going to link to the pattern in case they check here (I like surprises sometimes), but knitters, you should be able to figue out where I'm going with this. If not, well wait and see, but this pattern is GOLD. Yarn is Fleece Artist Woolie Silk 3-ply.

In other news, I am just busy busy busy! If you stop into Urban Yarns, say hi! And maybe think about registering for one of my classes! I'm hoping to run a class on Fulton, and also a Cable Sampler Pillow, and am thinking about doing another lined fair isle mitten class is there is interest.
Ta for now!