Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I've been bad, I know. Just a bit of knitting on the home front, as I have been kind of overwhelmed with things going on here, and it's likely that I won't get enough energy up to delve back into the blogosphere for another month or so. That being said, my Swallowtail Shawl is coming along quite famously actually. I am into the the second lily of the valley border, so I tentatively hope to be done within a week, maybe two.

And I have to say that I really really like the ears, if I do say so myself.

(Good luck at Cornell this year, dear!)


  1. hahaha! that hat is AWESOME!! i love the little paw prints.

  2. those ears are just way too cute!

  3. what a wonderful hat - it reminds me of Bjork's video with the giant bear (Human behaviour?) It just makes me smile!!!

  4. OMG! That's the cutest thing EVER! =D

  5. That is sooo darn cute!

    re: comment left on my blog about doubleknitting -
    I tend to hold both yarns in togeher, only putting the needle into the colour required - one of those colourwork finger guide things might be useful (though I found them really uncomfortable). This often results in twisted purled stitches, if I'm working quickly and so a bit slopperily - so I have to knit into the back of the stitch once I've turned (combined knitting style).


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