Where did we leave off last time? I think I had shared a bit about my first swatch and then left you with a nice teaser that today we would be talking about motif and design.
You may recall from any conversation with me ever that swatching is kind of important. It is a playground for experimentation through trial and error. I keep most of my swatches, whether successful or disastrous, because they are always learning experiences.
Before I get ahead of myself, here is a coloured sketch of the general sweater idea (this is the back of the sweater). You can more or less make out the waves, trees, and mountains rising from the lower edge of the sweater, and transitioning into... something. I didn't quite get around to planning every detail yet.

With that, and after some extensive colour-mapping, I got to work.

And wound up with a pretty decent swatch!

I did make some changes to the design as I went, but this kind of planning allowed me to re-check my gauge, and helped give me a willingness to modify motifs on the fly, since I had a pretty solid grasp of how the fabric would alter. I'm going to leave you with a few more photos of my sketches for the time being, because I really do have to get back to work... Next time I promise I will have an actual progress update on the knitting of the sweater itself! (Hint: It's not done yet... there are rocky seas ahead).

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