Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I hope everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable New Years Eve (just remember, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. You might be feeling that today.) I also hope that everyone has a 2008 which far surpasses this past year, whether that means that the coming months will bring phenomenal joy and excitement, or just being healthy and happy.

The sock and it's mate from my last post were gifted (and finished in the nick of time) and they fit! (or so I am told, I still think it could be a biiiiiit better).

And remember peoples, if you hear someone knocking at the door, don't just sit there shouting 'come in'.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michael~~~

    I hope your having a great time on your NEW YEARS day!
    Hope eveythings goes will and big luck wish your best~~

    Also visit my blog...I made a post about preview of new knitting book 2008!



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